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Mental gymnastics, a pyramid of acrobatics and a specially trained tortoise...

Hell's bell's and all's well - half the world is at peace with itself, and so is the other half.

Who killed McFee? What's up with Dottie? Does God exist? Questions, questions and a specially trained tortoise.

Tom Stoppard's dazzling play is about a moral philosopher, his musical comedy star wife, a

moon landing and a body in the ballroom.

"The new Radical Liberal Party has made the ex-Minister of Agriculture Archbishop of Cantebury, British astronauts are scrapping with each other on the moon and sprightly academics steal about London by night indulging in murderous gymnastics: this is the kind of manic, futuristic, topsy-turvy world in which Stoppard's dazzling play is set. And if I add that the influences apparently include Wittgenstein, Magritte, the Goons, Robert Dhery, Joe Orton and The Avengers, you will have some idea of the heady brew Stoppard has here concocted." - Michael Billington in The Guardian, 1972

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